

Welcome to my web site. Always a work in progress it’s where I post things on my mind and things I want to talk about. Hope you enjoy.

2021-Day One, Moment One

2021-Day One, Moment One

Sunrise 2021. The coming year promises to be one of the most exciting and challenging of my life.  For all the adversity 2020 threw at us, it feels like it was training—preparation for great work to come. This morning, that work began.

For me, that starts with meeting every day head-on: taking what comes and dealing with it all just a bit better than yesterday. With all my excitement and recognition of what lies ahead, it felt important to greet the first day of the year when it arrived. So, after we watched the ball drop at midnight I got up 5 hours later and headed out to the beach to see the first light of the year. It was glorious.

Last year stripped away so much from our lives—some essential things and some superfluous ones as well. 2021 is about reassembling the pieces that remain. But we do not need to use them all. The opportunity ahead of us is in selecting the best of what remains and constructing a path forward that builds on all the lessons we learned over the past year. We all know far too well that nothing is promised-each day is a gift. 

After a year like no other behind us, we have a year like no other in front of us.  My new year’s resolution is simple-treat every moment  as if it is borrowed time. Embrace every day  for all its joy, sorrow, clarity and confusion. My wish for you is that you can greet your year with the grace and clarity you strive for.

The Last Lottery Ticket

The Last Lottery Ticket